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An original web serial, brought to you by everything I love most.
Aetherpunk/Cyberpunk, with Soul Magic, Zombies, and Found Family.

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Archive of Our Own

Campfire Explore

"On the whole human beings want to be good, but not too good, and not quite all the time." - George Orwell
A Dying Light Fan Fiction series with three completed seasons. Fully novelizes the first game, with new characters and new lore added.

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Sequel to Latchkey Hero.
A Dying Light 2 campaign rewrite in which Aiden finds new allies. Includes new villains and a new endgame.

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A Dying Light werewolf AU.
Babar Kizil was totally full of shit. Garlic? Wolfsbane? Cinnamon? Eat all that and your lycanthropy was cured? Holy shit, no, that wasn’t how this worked.And Kyle would know.

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